The perfect amount of words, details, and pictures

The Invention of Hugo Cabret was a surprisingly wonderful book. With an unusual plot of an orphan boy living in a train station managing the clock towers I was pleasantly surprised to be hooked from the first page. I think the unusual setting of the book is what really got me hooked on this book. I found when I was reading it I was living in the story waiting to see what would happen next. At the end of the story I realized that this book did not have any unneeded detail. Every part of the story served a purpose. You we’re not introduced into any unnecessary characters. Each person in the book had a role in the storyline. When discussing this book you cannot forget to note the pictures. The pictures kept my interest and were a great way to break up the text. I recommend this book for all ages. This book would make a great read aloud book for lower elementary. For upper elementary and beyond it is a perfect self read book.
